28) „As time goes by“

Designed with fingertips on an iPhone. The monotone picks give a sensation of passing time

Time is an issue that occupies my artistic imagination again and again. Not so much the traditional allegories of time, as what happens in modern art. The artists of the italian futurism invented a new design for ’speed ‚. It were the surrealists (Dali, Ernst, Magritte) who employed new dimensions of time for their art. Philosophy, psychology and language gained a before unknown importance for the visual art. Yesterday I had the chance to see a show at the Stuttgart art museum titled „(Un)erwartet-Die Kunst des Zufalls.“ A great concept, a great show- to say it in Trump speech. The blend of mathematical processes, cybernetics, aesthetics and play opens the view on new sensual  time perceptions. For a moment I realized how much a blog and its single posts can themselves be elements of aleatoric processes.

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