Here is what I watched as I drew with wax crayons on white paper and listened to Franz Schubert‘s „unfinished symphony“. In the bright morning light I chose a brilliant red, blue, yellow, green and pink. I used them to draw a kind of handwriting. The strong rhythm of the music can be seen in the drawing. But there was no correspondence between the ‚letters‘ and the melody. So I put clouds-like patches between and under the ‚letters‘. To dramatic phases of the music I responded with a bundle of nervous lines in the lower left corner. In my opinion, the result shows that neither the music nor the drawing predominate, but a mixture of visual and acoustic elements.
Here is what I watched as I drew with wax crayons on white paper and listened to Franz Schubert‘s „unfinished symphony“. In the bright morning light I chose a brilliant red, blue, yellow, green and pink. I used them to draw a kind of handwriting. The strong rhythm of the music can be seen in the drawing. But there was no correspondence between the ‚letters‘ and the melody. So I put clouds-like patches between and under the ‚letters‘. To dramatic phases of the music I responded with a bundle of nervous lines in the lower left corner. In my opinion, the result shows that neither the music nor the drawing predominate, but a mixture of visual and acoustic elements.
Das klingt wie ‚Balsamico an Erdbeerrouladen‘ o.ä. ist aber der Versuch die noch kompliziertere Bildunterschrift zu vereinfachen. Auf einem länglichen Abschnitt festen Zeichenpapiers habe ich Bildelemente untereinander gereiht, die allesamt ‚Dreidimensionales‘ vermitteln sollen. Gedacht habe ich dabei an meine Versuche dem #Klang meiner Holzskulpturen auf die Spur zu kommen. Offensichtlich unter dem Einfluss der Synästhetik-Theorie der Bauhaus-Künstler,allen voran #Kandinsky, habe ich hier zu den Formen noch Farbe eingesetzt. Dabei habe ich auf eine besondere Farb-Form-Zuordnung verzichtet und stattdessen einen ganzen Farbteppich darüber gelegt.
#siehe art77blog. Nr.224,223 und 222.
English Summary
Ifyou look at art77blog Nr 224,223 and 222 you may realize how difficult it is to imagine sound and music as possible dimensions of sculpture. So this small drawing tries to bring sound-colours and 3D-elements together. Pretty weard!!