24) Parallel Worlds

This funny guy is born in the second half of the 1980 ies and belongs to the ‚ tuwos‘. The tuwos lived at this time on a small Pacific island. They are real pacifists and live in a perfect harmony with nature. There were only rare contacts with the inhabitants of a parallel world; and those were horrible!!…

Parallel worlds are not necessarily better worlds. Depending  from the image of universe and world there lived terrible creatures on the opposite side of the earth, the oceans or in the darkness. In the age of traveling and exploring those other worlds  became more real. I n the period of the world wars unknown powers-good and bad ones reached out to the real world, whether they were called ‚Super‘-‚Spider‘-or‘ Batman‘. And in our days parallel worlds may be other universes or production of our brain, more dangerous and horrifying than anything before.

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