Just a cold…? 

A bad day / ein schlechter Tag
A good day / ein guter Tag
A good day / ein guter Tag

Yesterday I felt horrible. Practicing a kind of meditation I spread my familiar letters over the paper: boring! Today I felt much better, my spirits were rising, optimism and courage returned. Now I could do things relaxed and didn’t care about aesthetic correctness. In the afternoon I worked with my mahogany -block and decided to do a hard cut. The days before I didn’t even know how to go on. This observation can certainly not be generalized. There were also days when, although I had caught a cold, I painted concentrated- certainly not very inspired. And there were days when I felt overboarding energy – and produced rubbish. And seriously: do we see whether a painting was done while the artist suffered from terrible headaches? No, there is no pity for the artists, there is only good or bad art.

Ich hab mich an zwei Tagen beobachtet; einem vergrippten und dem darauf folgenden Tag der Besserung. Fazit: Es gibt kein Mitleid mit den Künstlern, nur gute und schlechte Kunst.

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