7) Chocolate and Art





I love chocolate and there are only few days without this sweet friend. So the day before we had invited a friend for dinner and he brought two bars of very tasty chocolate with him. In that moment I remembered an odd experience with chocolate  a couple of years ago. After almost nine years I still feel not quite well. The actual migration of scared, prosecuted, starved people may increase my doubts: was it good to perform an artwork of pure chocolate on a public place ? What had happened eight years ago? The local trade association had taken over a concept of a chocolate festival already successfully realized in some cities as Perugia and Torino. And there they had learned that public chocolate sculpturing is attractive and appreciated. Since I hang on the idea of art serving people I accepted  a corresponding proposal. A neat block of 400kg dark chocolate (60%) was donated and carried with a crane to a wooden working platform on the marketplace. Before that I had practiced cutting chocolate bars and modelling a cute little chocolate- venus. It was december and pretty chilly,so at least the chocolate didn’t melt, but chunks and shatters were flying around. Everybody was invited to pick them up and take them home. I must say that working with the chocolate  block under this circumstances was exciting. The whole thing was for the organizers a success. But not the same way for me. Even some close friends responded very reservedly. In a „green“ city I could have had expected something like this, but anyhow it was disturbing. They didn’t discuss, they seemed to be simply disgusted.Obviously I had hurt ethic principles much more than I had expected. Maybe there was also a quite different point: How can a serious artist degrade art and prostitute himself in this way!? Consequences ?   Evaluate careful before engaging in art events -even with the perspective of paddling in a chocolate-pool.